Welcome To JuteNCraft
We are the designers, manufacturers & suppliers of custom designed bags for advertising,
promotion and marketing, providing superior value to our customers in meeting their
packaging requirements. We offer varied and exclusive range of Jute & Canvas Bags in
classic and contemporary styles while conserving resources and preserving the quality
of the environment. We strive to give you the latest and most innovative technology at
a cost that gives you maximum economic value. Quality is a very vital aspect in a
manufacturing concern. We retain the highest standards of quality in stitching,
designing and printing, to provide you a very durable product.
We also know that
the packaging needs require more than durability. The package has to sell what's inside.
We work diligently to give you the most appropriate package for your product. Our
clientele includes major garments showrooms, leading jewelers, leading FMCG retail
outlets and many more. With this commitment, come honesty, integrity and a respect
for the best interests of our clients. We are very much sure you'll find working with
us to be enjoyable & rewarding experience.